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4400 (2021)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Created by: Anna Fricke, Ariana Jackson
  • Rated: TV-14
  • Network: The CW
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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It's a seemingly random number, but now there is a whole new meaning associated with 4400.  In this rebooted version of the early 2000s series of the same name, we are dropped into the mix of 4400 humans who over the last century have disappeared in various ways, except now they are all mysteriously brought back to today, with no memory and none of them have aged a single day.  As these "survivors" try to piece back together parts of their lives, look for others who are like them, avoid being dissected by the government, and learn more about the world they are now living in, they soon begin to realize their powers.  Some of those who have "returned" haven't just come back with advanced years having not aged, they have come back with a variety of powers.  Some are telekinetic, some have healing powers, some are super strong, some can create illusions with their minds, and some can cancel out the others powers.  It's a sci-fi mystery that has us following plenty of the 4400, looking for clues as to what happened to them, why they have a variety of powers, and where did they go that gave them these abilities.  Along the way, we also figure out who is going to use these powers to be good guys and who is going to use them to be bad.  Also, no shortage of shirtless good times from the CW reboot, including Cory Jeacoma, who hits a heavy bag with that chiseled bod of his!