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Bekis on the Run

Bekis on the Run (2021)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


Bekis on the Run is a hilarious slice of life comedy about two brothers who need to get creative in order to pay for the expensive medicine needed by their beloved family member. So what do they do? They rob a construction company! However the robbery attracts tons of media attention, which prompts the brothers to go on the lam. The sexy and suave Diego Loyzaga plays the straight brother named Andres while the adorable Christian Bables plays the gay brother named Donald. Andres sadly stays clothed here, but thankfully his brother picks up his slack. Donald gets laid ya'll! While Christian Bables does no go nude here, his lover certainly does.  Through a window, he catches Martin, actor Sean de Guzman, fully naked when he gets out of the shower. Shortly afterward, Donald comes inside. Not like that! In another scene the two young men have gay sex. Bekis on the Run is beaucoup fun!