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Blood Surf

Blood Surf (2000)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


Bog and Jeremy (Dax Miller and Joel West) are extreme sports enthusiasts in Blood Surf (2000). With an appetite for danger, the brave bros develop the idea of blood surfing: the art of spreading chum in the water to attract sharks, then surfing through the middle of the pack. While filming their exciting exploits, the blood-boarding fellow’s fun gets interrupted by a thirty-foot long killer crocodile and some local pirates. The expedition heads to land to regroup for some fun. But it’s only a matter of time before the croc ingests everyone. During a moment of relaxation, Joel hydro-hammers a girl (Maureen Larrazabel) in a splashy sex scene. The bottle-blonde boy’s bottom shines brightly in the beach heat. It’s not much, but it’s enough to get your tide high and your surfs up.