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Greg Langdon

Greg Langdon Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Top Greg Langdon Scenes


If you're only going to do one movie in your entire career, you might as well make it a ridiculous send-up to monster movies.  Greg Langdon did just that with his lone film credit in Night of the Demon (1980), which centers on an anthropology professor and his students who get caught up chasing down an evil Bigfoot creature who is killing townsfolk at an alarming pace.  Poor Greg comes in as one of the "Van Lovers", who are getting hot and heavy in a windowless van, deep in the woods, when the legendary cryptid comes out of nowhere and drags the bare-assed Greg out of the van and beats him to death in front of his girlfriend on the hood of the car.  This marks Greg's Nudecomer debut as it is his lone film credit and he gives us plenty of butt to stare at while in the back of the van!