Today is a huge holiday because it is the birthday of Tom Holland. The young Gemini king turns 25 today and we certainly hope he doesn't have one of those quarter-life crises because he's doing EVERYTHING right. The former Spider-Man is now taking on more adult roles that allow us to check out his booty and we celebrate everything that he has been doing.


Surely, Tom's career can only go up from here. Between his roles this past year in Cherry and Chaos Walking, Tom has been making sure that his fans shoot webs in their pants as he experiments with getting slightly more nude. He keeps inching towards more and more nudity which is a delight to watch. He should be doing this, too. He has a HOT body and the world needs to see it. Show off your body, Tom!


Watch Tom undress and skinny-dip so that you can check out his booty for his birthday. Hey, whose birthday is it anyway? This is definitely a gift to us! Tom is even generous on his own birthday. Swoon!

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