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How to Get Girls

How to Get Girls (2017)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Directed by: Zachary Fox, Omri Dorani
  • Theatrical Release: 03/17/2017
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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If there is one surefire way to get girls, it's by surrounding yourself with good looking people. It's almost like hotness by proxy and if you're a rock solid 5 like Zach (Zach Fox), you better buddy up with at least one hunk to stand a chance in this day and age, especially in the typical American High School...  Unfortunately for Zach, he's about as nerdy, socially awkward, and painfully unfunny around girls as anyone is his high school.  So much so that he's the only person on the bathroom wall who doesn't have at least ONE tick mark next to his name for girls he's doinked in school.  Well things are about to change when his best childhood friend, Ben Diaz (Martin Cervantez) moves back to town.  You see Ben went from being the ugly duckling of the pair of outcasts into being a chisel jawed adonis with the body of a star athlete...  Well Zach immediately sees his in with the hot girls of the school, as Ben doesn't quite yet realize that he's a hot commodity and wants to do all the nerdy stuff with his bestie, but Zach see the window of opportunity to getting invited to parties.  This wouldn't be a teenage titty fest if there wasn't a bevy of hunky hotties to offset the toplessness of the ladies and Martin Cervantez definitely leads the charge, cheek first with a couple of bottomless scenes.  The lead nerd Zach Fox doesn't shy away from showing off that body for the sake of comedy either, going nude in a couple of scenes.  Lastly, Andy Riddle shows off his sexy ginger jiggly bits a bit while a couple of other ladies get busy in front of him!