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John Philbin

John Philbin Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Birthplace: California, US

Date of Birth: 04/27/60

Top John Philbin Scenes

Undateable John (2019) Sexy, shirtless
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As his character in Point Break says, "I love this job!" which for John Philbin appears to be 3 things; acting, surfing and being shirtless! This California native has played a surfer in several different projects, but you can also see his chops in the 80's horror flicks Children of the Corn and The Return of the Living Dead. Surfing must do a body good because he is still in crazy good shape at 59 years old in 2019's Undateable John, as the titular character for which he is most definitely dateable as long as you go to a restaurant that doesn't have a strict "no shirts, no shoes" policy!