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Mackenzie Scott

Mackenzie Scott Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Top Mackenzie Scott Scenes


Mackenzie Scott has an actor’s name, and a bod to match. (Okay, he actually has a last name, too, and it’s Clowes, but the first two scream hot acting dude). Born in Australia and transplanted to London, England, he’s done entertainment work in both countries. He’s also an accomplished artist who works predominantly in drawing, painting, and photography. According to his artist website, he, “explores (sub)urban dystopia, repression and body politics, capitalism, consumption and what these things leave behind…” And speaking of behind, as an actor, Mackenzie has left behind a legacy of his bare behind. Playing “First Anonymous Man” in the movie The Watcher Self (2016), he engages in sexual realtions with a woman, then gets out of bed to pull up his pants. He quickly flashes his naked ass, but Mr. Man uses his Skin Vision for your viewing pleasure to slow down the action for a better look. It’s a nice butt. Elsewhere, you can find Mackenzie playing various parts in re-enactment documentaries, like Titanic’s Final Mystery (2012), and in tiny extra parts in flicks like Skyfall (2011), and in the Nextflix series The Crown in 2021. In addition to looking good on screen, he also sounds pretty good, and has done voice-over work in both the UK and Australia. He’s a physical, guy, too, and has worked as the movement director on stage productions, calling himself a “physical theatre practitioner. And, in case you need another reason to admire this truly talented individual, he’s also experienced in puppetry.