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Short Skin

Short Skin (2014)

Great Nudity!
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Directed by: Duccio Chiarini
  • Theatrical Release: 04/23/2015
  • Home Release: 10/20/2015
  • Country: Italy
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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The Italian film Short Skin (2014), not to be confused with the Americn movie Short Cuts (1993), may go down in the history books as having one of the most bizarre masturbation scenes in cinema. In a nod to American Pie’s (1999) pioneering pubescent experimenter, this racy romp has its hero Edo (Matteo Creatini) doing it with a dead octopus purchased from the fish market. Do we have your attention now? Duccio Chiarini’s black comedy centers around a 17-year-old dude with a rare condition that causes his foreskin to be too tight to be pulled back over the head of his penis. At an age when most young men are getting laid, Edo shuns advances from girls due to his situation, which causes painful erections. Horny and isolated, the lugubrious Edo does a lot of sulking in the movie, as well as a lot of experimentation which leads to some insanely sexy shots. Luckily, the lean Mr. Creatini isn’t afraid to show off his goods which are pretty great! Indeed, he possesses plump butt cheeks, big balls, and a sizable peen as seen throughout the flick. In one scene, we get a full 30-second look at Matteo’s bare ass, back sack, and cock when he is inspected by a doctor. In another, Edo showers with other guys. And then there’s that bit when he has sex with an octopus! Even though this foreign film hasnt been seen by many in the States, it has what it takes for Yanks to start yanking!