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The Evening Hour

The Evening Hour (2021)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Braden King
  • Rated: NR
  • Theatrical Release: 01/27/2020
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Set in a tiny West Virginia mining town, we follow Cole Freeman (Philip Ettinger), a nursing home aide with a big heart who makes ends meet by being a small time drug dealer on the side.  In a town where everyone knows everyone's business, it's no surprise that Cole's lucrative enterprise of stealing and reselling prescriptions raises the eyebrows of the local sheriff, competitive good ol' boy drug dealers, his family and the poor strung out people he grew up with.  Cole decides that he needs to cut ties with best friend Reese (Michael Trotter), who makes some promises to the other dealers in town that Cole can't deliver, so he's at a crossroads of protecting himself, his loved ones, or getting out of West Virginia as soon as possible!  A tatted up Michael Trotter delivers some sexy as the party boy buddy who sports too short cut offs throughout this indie flick based on the 2012 Carter Sickels novel of the same name.