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Travis Friesen

Travis Friesen Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Top Travis Friesen Scenes


Travis Friesen is giving us serious Chris Pine meets Murray Bartlett vibes, and that's seriously a good thing! While he may appear as a grizzled rural woodsman in his only nude role to date - on the Paramount+ series Joe Pickett - Friesen is dashingly handsome in real life, and comes complete with sparkling blue eyes that compliment his masculine facial features. You may be thinking to yourself "Where have I seen Travis Friesen before," and the answer is quite surprising indeed. Not a lot of places! Travis has found himself in some oddball television series scattered across his time in the biz, and we think his appearance in Joe Pickett is just the right... ahem... exposure that he was looking for. See his perfect butt hanging out from under his camo as a group of men on horseback catch Travis in an intimate act. Does a bear s**t in the woods? Apparently!