Hey, do you want to be the hottest person at the party? Do you need more conversational tidbits or does your trivia team need someone who REALLY knows about TV nudity? Then I'm here to help you out. I wanted to share some fascinating bits of TV nudity trivia that you can pull out to impress your friends and lovers with (then they might pull something out as well!).

What was the first instance of male nudity on primetime TV?

NYPD Blue pushed a lot of boundaries, including being one of the first TV series to show nudity. They showed male and female nudity, but they are most well-known for showing man ass on the boob tube. The show began flashing ass in 1993 and it never stopped, with David Caruso being a major player in the early TV nudity game.

TV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and LoversTV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and Lovers

How does PBS play into TV nudity?

In a lot of ways! PBS probably got away with showing the most and the earliest cases of male and female nudity on TV. In the 1970s they aired a Masterpiece Theater broadcast of the play I, Claudius with nudity in it. They also aired a 1975 documentary called The Incredible Machine which explored the human body, parts and all. Most hilariously, they played British sketch comedy like Monty Python complete with nudity.

TV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and Lovers

What was the first gay male kiss on TV?

That honor belongs to Dawson's Creek! In the season 3 finale in the year 2000, Adam Kaufman and Kerr Smith shared a passionate smooch. This wasn't played for laughs or horror or anything that may have previously been seen on cable. This was just two men in lust!

TV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and LoversTV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and LoversTV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and Lovers

BUT! If you want to get technical about it, the honor actually belongs to the ultimate reality TV show The Real World in which the openly gay Pedro Zamora kissed Sean Sasser while MTV watched.

What was the first nude reality TV show?

While 2014's Dating Naked on VH1 might be the considered the first by pop culture analysts, but TLC beat them by one year with the series Buying Naked. The strange series followed Jackie Youngblood, a real estate agent who shows homes to nudists in and out of "clothing optional" communities. It is a difficult-to-find series that censored everyone (much like Dating Naked did). Too bad it didn't take off...even though they were taking it all off!

TV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and Lovers

All of these shows walked so Naked Attraction could run!

TV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and Lovers

What was the first gay sex scene on daytime TV?

ABC made history with the very first gay sex scene on daytime television with the 2010 episode of One Life to Live in which Scott Evans and Brett Claywell make passionate love to one another. Of course, we don't see nudity - but we see a lot of horny hotness!

TV Nudity Trivia To Impress Your Friends and Lovers

What about British TV?

The Brits were shockingly a little more cheeky with their nudity. In 1971, the Brits aired the documentary Let's Go Naked! in which they explored a nude camp in England. The government reacted poorly to this with Margaret Thatcher calling out such indecency. The Brits remained decent for over a decade, but they couldn't keep calm and carry on with their clothes for much longer. In the 80s, The Singing Detective showed Patrick Malahide's backside.

What American television show had the most male nudity in a single episode?

Euphoria can currently take the title with its famous locker room scene in which we counted 21 penises. As our very own Mr. Man has stated: this is the highest cock count since the film Eurotrip. But that's a movie! That means that this scene is notable for its cock count on both film and television. Amazing!